So it's Sunday 3...

Back to the workhouse tomorrow after a really nice weekend spent at home. Ended up becoming not only the proud owner of my third set of Take That tickets but also, as of an hour ago, Bon Jovi tickets too! So it's mostly been a weekend of music (and as you can see, my music taste is extremely varied).

Anyway, enough of my strange tastes, onto design... terms of pasta, everything is now in situe! Not 100% happy with it, still don't think it looks really realistic but you can have a nosey...tomorrow! Would upload it now but I'll build up the suspense and let you all have a peak tomorrow in my pre-crit blog entry.

In the meantime, I'll give you a peak at my marketing group's report cover:

Spent a lot of my weekend putting our report on Oxfam and Marks and Spencers Fashion. Still got a bit to go and only a few weeks left so as per, I'm in panic mode but I'll try remembering to breathe. I've been trying to make the info look all pretty in Illustrator which I've rather enjoyed!

Feel awful not sitting on a PC longer this weekend and working but I haven't seemed to have anything to really do! So now I'm gunna love you and leave you now and enjoy the rest of the free time I seem to have before my final crit on Tuesday and intro of the new brief!!!

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