Crit Tuesday 2

Told you I'd be back with my crit feedback mwa ha ha. So yeah, was rather nervous today, crits always get worse towards the end of a brief, especially when a different teacher views your work every week so you're never quite sure if they're gunna hate your idea and turn round and say change everything. Luckily for me, that didn't happen (they must have to pity of my shaking whilst holding my creative log...yup, I get ridiculously nervous). Crit went well. Really well. I came out smiling for once and knowing where to go from here! You saw my proposed final piece I posted yesterday (if not, shift yourself back one blog and have a gander, you'll need to keep up!) and I presented that today along with my development work (if you're lucky, I might post some of those images up with this entry). My teacher, who I must say is the wackiest person I've ever seen, seemed pretty impressed, he thought I'd had previous studio experience (sadly not, currently looking)! AND I managed to change his opinion on PCs! He presumed I'd produced it all on a Mac (controversially, I don't like Macs - don't all go hating me at once, I just like my PC and Windows) and was shocked that the work could be produced on a PC (since when does a PC affect your work that much?!). Anyways, enough of me rambling about my compliments (tries to cover inflating head) and I'll get onto the good stuff: Where I am going from here. The suggestions I got were:
  • Research sizing of the logo - make sure it doesn't compete with the window too much (although some said this wouldn't be a problem as the windows are part of the brand identity too) and see how large other companies have their logos, adjusting where and if necessary
  • Sizing of the information on the back - same as the above really, just make sure it will be legible
  • Colour of the information on the back - it was suggested that the writing on the back should be white. I'm a little apprehensive about this as I don't want to lose the corporate look and produce a cheap look but I shall give it a go; printing the pieces at full size should help me with this sorta thing
  • Put the product in situe - my fave part of design briefs though this might be a little tricky with my piece (especially sneaking my camera into supermarkets to get the initial image ha)
And that my friends, is pretty much all I have to do over the next week. And you know what? I'm on such a buzz, I'm going to make a start now. Tarra!

Oh, go on then, al upload me final design again! (For those of you who didn't quite get my Yorkshire lingo there, that was 'Oh oh, I'll upload my final designs oncemore'. I'd forgotten that I was writing to an audience for a second ha!)

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