Ahh, rather boring weekend on my half to be honest, slightly lacking work due to feeling under the weather and overworking myself. Dodgy takeaway on Friday night did nothing to help this either. So, what do I have to fill you in with? Well, in the end I followed everyone's advice (apart from the tutors) and stuck with my name of Impression for the pasta brand. Got plenty of justification from my target market why I should keep it so it is staying. Nervously staying but staying. Booklet is now complete for that project apart from potentially another in situe shot of my brand (they thought my supermarket shelving piece was a little cluttered and wanted a shot of it along with a few other brands on a white background...not what I class as in situe but o well, I'll eventually get round to it). Here's a sneaky peek...
A very sneaky peak might I add, don't want to give too much of the game away yet |
Started the pasta marketing/promotion brief now, had a day of research which has gone really quickly! Already got a few ideas which run along the 'mundane' styles of advertising except with a twist. We were told we either had to market a unique aspect of our design or come up with a wicked, individual campaign strategy. I'm hoping my windows are a unique and recognisable aspect for me to run with...Decided to create a little survey too which has ended up being pages and pages long but at least I'll get the info (hopefully) that I want and need from my target market.
On a more interesting note, I ended up stumbling upon a few interesting images whilst trawling the internet for advertisements. The following is rather controversial and I apologise now if it offends anyone (it certainly did me) but I couldn't believe how hard-hitting and clearly it got it's message across:
In case you can't quite see it, the message reads 'The tsunami killed 100 times more people than 9/11' |
Just wow to be honest. So hard hitting! I was extremely shocked when I saw this but considering WWF and their normal shock tactic advertising, it seems pretty tame in comparison to previous imagery they have used. What do you guys think to it? I'll leave you to ponder...
The WWF ad is amazing (obviously rather bad taste) but it really does get the point across.