Crit Tuesday 7 (on a Wednesday)

Sorry for my lack of entry yesterday guys, had an extremely hectic evening. The apartment block I live in lost power from half 6 till 2.30am so I spent most of my night evacuated into the Refectory at University. Don't think I've drank so much tea in my life!

Anyway, enough of my rambling, I'm warm and home and dry now so here's the overview of yesterday's crit!

  • went well! Again! After changing my type sizes, there were no more suggestions or changes to be made to my designs! Yippee!
  • The particular tutor we had yesterday wanted to see my third media (and everyone elses for some reason). Which confused everyone as the brief states at least 3 outcomes over 2 media channels. And I've done 8 outcomes over 2. So I got confused...
See, if I'd have had my blog on hand last night, I would have asked you guys for you opinions. But sadly I didn't. So I created a third media anyway!

Althought I found that flyers were kind of a bad idea during my research, I decided to run with a flyer idea which could change this. After spending the entire afternoon on the internet trying to find out the name of the technique I had in my head, I finally found it. Lenticular printing. WOOP! Since then, I've quickly created four extra flyers, working on the idea that when you tilt them, you can see an alternative image eg. bow tie from one angle, farfalle pasta shape from another angle.

In terms of the rest of the project, I've finished the booklet now apart from the new development page for the flyers and a bit of back up work for my sketchbook. The end is in sight though people! I'm thinking, if the snow is a little better by tomorrow, I might go print in the afternoon and get it totally out of the way by tomorrow evening!

I might post up some jpegs tomorrow but at the moment, I'm on a bit of a role with the booklet so I'm not going to disturb myself haha!

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